How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?
When we first started this project we had no experience filming or editing whatsoever.
Back in 2016 i attended a directing camp where i learned how to film a little and how to edit in imovie, but barely. For filming we used my photo camera , a Sony a 68 , an amazing camera but it has very complicated features. When we starded to figure it out the fun began.
To help with the filming and to make it better we also used the school's stabilizer. This really helped make the video more smooth where it needed to be that way. But when the image needed to be shaky , when did not use anything for stabilizing.
As for softaware's we used quite a lot, such as FinalCut Pro , Imovie , the recording app on the Iphone X (this was to record our voices for the film opening). There was also quite a need of AirDrop , because the movie opening was edited on our MAcbook Air's and we kept on needing to transfer the images and videos, this was very useful. Because the laptops had very little memory left , we also used a external memory bank when we were editing.
Social Media was used tremendously for comunicating with the actors and telling them when and where to be. We also used Google to help with editing , we searched for quite a lot of tutorials considering that we were newbies in the world of editing.
Overall this experience showed us how much a person can learn, and what is amazing is that we managed from knowing nothing about media to create out own media form.