Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics. There is a relationship between the lyrics and visuals. The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close-ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work. There are frequent references to the notion of looking and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body. There is often intertextual references. Whether the video is primarily performance- based, narrative-based or concept-based and how elements of each is used in it.
Mishlawi- All Night
All Night is a song written and produced by Tarik Mishlawi, the song's genre is a mixture of pop, hip-hop and rap. Tarik Mishlawi describes in this song how it is to be in a club and that there are ups and downs in a love life (with own experience) such as long-distance relationship. In addition, he says he signed with Bridgetown Records, his new label.
‘Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics’ In terms of genre characteristics, Goodwin means conventions that go with the genre or type of artist, such as stage performances or narratives. 'All Night' demonstrates conventions to convey this music video as a rap and pop video with techniques such as fading in, narrative, and slow-motion when the girls are walking around the house. The costumes worn depend on the artist and their vision, however, pop videos do tend to incorporate bright and trendy clothes, on the other hand Mishlawi’s artistic character and music is very casual and 'cool', thus this is represented in his outfit (oversized hoodie and cap).
“There is a relationship between the lyrics and the visuals” There is a clear story line in this music video with the [Chorus] going : I was from the city, she was from the outside
I was from the North, she was from the South side
I looked in the mirror, I said man I'm alright
Little did I know I'd be crying all night.....
These lyrics are explicitly conveyed in the numerous cross-cuts and parallel narrative. Therefore links between the lyrics and visuals are quite key in pop videos.