Like is said in previous posts. We decided that the best way to achieve the desired result and to make our work eadier by learning from past mistakes to use each other as models. This enusures the fact that we will give our best for the final proudct to have the best outcoe but also no more complications of scheduling and worrying for the actors to be comfotable and not stressed out. this way we could film for as long as we want and not worry about the preferences of everyone else.
So the first character we built was "i love you" which represents the passionate part of a relationship and the kindhearted and pure one. This person should embody love,pain and innocence and passion of the relationship. We decided that the most suitable out of the three of us for the role was me because i have more gentle features and my skin tone would look better in the colour red. Also the choice of red light for passion is kind of self explanatory. Since the ancient times red has been a sing of fire passion and love so we figured it was the best choice and also we wanted from the beginning to used colored light and this was the best way to incorporate it.
The other character appearing in the music video is Ariana, she will be representing the I hate you part. She will be the happy and sexy of the relationship. She is fun and lighhearted but also very intense and sensual. Another concept of this is the fact that she is the color blue because she is the other woman. While "red" is suffering she is the one that is having the most fun. The two girls represent pain and love in a relation ship , ups and down by embodying te colors blue and red. Ariana was chosen to embody this characters because of her beauty anf the way she can express happiness but also pain trough her face. The color blues fits best with her complexion and her body shape suits the costume that was chosen for her.
For costumes we wanted plain black clothing that let room for the colors to shine bright as well as for the body language and facial expressions to really connote the message of the video and of the song.
"Red" was wearing a black turtleneck and simple blue jeans in order to connote her innocence and her simplicity while "Blue" was wearing a black simple bodysuit to emphasize her body and her beauty. Blue's suit was chosen without trying to reflect any signs of vulgarity whatsoever it was done more to ephasize the beauty of the female body and her passion.